P O W E R - T E C H S E R I E S
PT 3.1
t’s hard to please every crowd. But you’ll
have a better chance when you use a Crown
Power-Tech .1 Series amplifier. Musicians
and DJs alike demand a lot from their sys-
tems—clean, punchy sound; reliability; rug-
gedness; smaller size; less weight—all at a
reasonable price. And Crown PT .1s bring
these benefits and much more to the table.
That’s because at Crown, we’ve built our repu-
tation around legendary sound and support.
Rugged, professional power amplifier built
for the road.
clean, accurate low end.
Bridge-Mono and Parallel-Mono modes make
it easy to optimize the amplifier’s perfor-
mance for a wide range of loads.
Quick-access front panel power switch and
level controls. Turn-on delay for loudspeaker
Balanced phone jack inputs in parallel with
XLR input connectors.
Patented ODEP ® circuitry and Grounded
Bridge™ design combine to provide perfor-
mance and reliability that surpass traditional
Complete protection against shorted outputs,
mismatched loads, overheating, input/output
DC and high-frequency overload; full internal
fault protection.
Power-Tech .1 Series amplifiers are compact,
professional stereo power amplifiers engi-
neered to meet the most demanding sound
reinforcement needs. They compare very
favorably to more expensive amplifiers, pro-
viding uncolored sound and signal-to-noise
ratios commonly associated with recording
studios. Plus, every Power-Tech .1 amplifier is
backed by Crown’s unequaled Three-Year, No-
Fault, fully-transferrable warranty that covers
Easy to read signal presence (SPI) and distor-
tion (IOC ®) indicator for each channel.
Three-year, No-Fault, fully-transferrable
warranty completely protects your investment
and guarantees its specifications.
High damping factor provides superior
control over low-frequency drivers for a
Intermodulation Distortion (IMD): (60 Hz and 7
kHz 4:1) Less than 0.05% from less than 171
milliwatts to full bandwidth power.
in Bridge-Mono and 2 to 4 ohms in Parallel-
Mono mode.
With over five decades of experience designing
and building rock-solid products, Crown is the
standard in amp technology. So check out the
affordable, “all-Crown” Power-Tech .1. They
are a powerful argument for quality and value!
Required AC Mains: Power requirements are
provided on each unit’s back panel. 120 VAC,
60 Hz and 100/120/220/240 VAC, 50 to 60
Hz (non-convertible) units are available. Rated
AC mains voltages are 10%. Quiescent power
draw is 90 watts or less. 100 and 120 VAC units
draw up to 15 amps of current; 220 and 240
VAC units draw up to 7 amps.
Damping Factor: Greater than 1,000 from 10
Hz to 400 Hz.
Crosstalk: Greater than 90 dB below full band-
width power from 50 Hz to 4 kHz, rising linearly
to greater than 70 dB at 20 kHz.
For mmoorree ddeettaaiillss aabboouutt tthhee PPoowweerr--TTeecchh ..11
Seriieess,, ccoonnttaacctt tthhee CCrroowwnn TTeecchhnniiccaall SSuuppppoorrtt
Group at 800-342-6939 or 219-294-8200.
Also, visit the Crown Audio website at
Controlled Slew Rate: Greater than 13
Low-Voltage Power Supply: A 24 VDC fan-
former supply (fan motor winding) regulated to
15 VDC.
Voltage Gain: 84:1 6% or 38 dB 0.5 dB at
0.775-volt sensitivity; 46:1 6% or 33 dB 0.5
dB at 1.4-volt sensitivity; 20:1 6% or 26 dB
0.5 dB at the maximum level setting.
AC Connector: An appropriate AC line cord and
plug are provided. North American units have
a standard 3-wire, 15-amp grounded connector
(NEMA 5-15P).
The following applies to units in Stereo mode with 8-ohm loads
and an input sensitivity of 26 dB unless otherwise specified.
120 VAC, 60 Hz Units: refers to amplifiers with dedicated
Output Power:
transformers for 120 VAC, 60 Hz power mains.
International Units: refers to amplifiers with special multi-tap
transformers that make them configurable for several AC
mains voltages and line frequencies.
Power: A front panel push button switch used
to turn the amplifier on and off.
Frequency Response: 0.1 dB from 20 Hz to
20 kHz at 1 watt.
Level: A front panel rotary potentiometer for
each channel used to control the output level.
Stereo/Mono: A three-position back panel
switch used to select Stereo, Bridge-Mono or
Parallel-Mono mode.
Phase Response: 10 degrees from 10 Hz to
20 kHz at 1 watt.
Signal-to-Noise: A-weighted, better than 105
dB below full bandwidth power. Better than 100
dB below full bandwidth power from 20 Hz to
20 kHz.
Sensitivity: A three-position switch behind the
input module used to select the input sensitivity
for both channels: 0.775 volts or 1.4 volts for
standard 1 kHz power, or 26 dB voltage gain.
Reset: A back panel push button switch used to
reset the circuit braker that protects the power
Total Harmonic Distortion (THD): Less than
0.05% at full bandwidth power from 20 Hz to 1
kHz increasing linearly to 0.1% at 20 kHz.
Load Impedance: Safe with all types of loads.
Rated for 4 to 8 ohms in Stereo, 8 to 16 ohms
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