Model Features Summary .................... 2-3
Installation ........................................... 3-5
•Changing Trim Rings
3 - 4
Dear Whistler Owner,
•Mounting Guidelines
•Windshield Mounting
If you have questions concerning the operation of
•Power Connection and Fuse Replacement
this Whistler product please call:
Operation .......................................... 5 -14
•Programmable Text Display
•Programmable Audio Tones
•External Audio Jack
5 - 6
6 - 8
•Power On and Self-Test
•Setting Saver
Monday - Friday • 8:00 am - 5:00 pm CT
or visit our website
•Feature Engaged Confirmation
•Audio Level Adjustment
•Auto Quiet Mode
Total Band Protection™ Plus Ku
•Quiet Mode
•Highway Mode
•City/City 1/ City 2 Mode
•Engaging/Disengaging VG-2
•Teach/Tutorial Mode
•Backlight Setting
Please keep the receipt in a safe place. You may regis-
warranty verification purposes, a copy of your dated
store receipt must still accompany any unit sent in for
warranty work. If the unit is returned without a dated
store receipt an out of warranty service charge applies.
Note: Your wwaarrantyy ppeeriiood bbeginss at thhe ttiimme ooff puur--
chase. The warranty is validated only by the dated
store receipt! Now is the time to record the serial
number of the unit in the space provided in the war-
ranty section of the manual.
•Battery Saver Mode
•Compass Mode
•Compass Calibration Set-up
•Option Select Mode
•Stay Alert Feature
Safety Warning System™ ......................... 14
POP™ Mode Alerts ................................. 15
Laser/Radar Alerts ................................. 15
The Whistler Group Corporate Headquarters
13016 N. Walton Blvd. • Bentonville, AR 72712
Tel 479.273.6012 • Fax 479.273.2927
•Speed Radar Audio/Visual Alerts
•Laser Audio/Visual Alerts
•Pulse Protection
To fully acquaint yourself with the operation of your
Whistler and to better understand the differences
between detecting radar, laser and safety radar sig-
nals, we recommend reading this entire manual or
VG-2 Alerts ............................................ 16
Customer Return Center
•Alert Priority
Reset Features ....................................... 16
Troubleshooting Guide .......................... 17
Care and Maintenance ........................... 18
Are Detectors Legal? ............................. 18
FCC Information ..................................... 19
Speed Monitoring ............................ 19 - 22
551 N. 13th St. • Rogers, AR 72756
Customer Service Tel 800.531.0004
P/N 260016
2007 The Whistler Group, Inc.
Enjoy your Whistler detector and please drive safely.
•Radar Facts
•POP Mode
•Laser Facts
•Other Speed Detection Systems
21 -22
The Whistler Group, Inc.
Warranty Information ....................... 22-25
Specifications ......................................... 25
Accessories ............................................ 26
Power Cord Connection
To Modify the Text
To Modify the Audio
• Plug the small end of the power cord into the
unit’s power jack.
• Plug the large end into the vehicle’s cigarette lighter.
• Press and hold the Quiet button to enter
Option mode (see page 13 ). Once “USER
TEXT” is displayed simultaneously press and
release the VOL UP and VOL DOWN buttons
each time to scroll through the text that can
be customized. When a text is selected, (use
WHISTLER for example) the display will
indicate “WHISTLER” with a blinking cursor
under the letter “W”.
• Press and hold the Quiet button to enter Option
Mode (see page 13 ). Once “USER TONE” is
displayed, simultaneously press and release the
VOL UP and VOL DOWN buttons to allow for
selection of Normal Tones or Custom Tones.
(Display shows “ X - Norm” or “ X - Cust”) The
Vol Up button selects Custom Tone and Vol Down
button selects Normal Tone. The Quiet button
advances the menu to the next band selection.
“X - Norm”—› “K - Norm”—› “Ka - Norm” —›
“Ku - Norm” —› “L - Norm”
Note: The cord fits tightly into detector. When
installing the cord, expect some resistance.
Fuse Replacement
The lighter socket plug is equipped with a
replaceable 2 amp 3AG fuse located behind the
silver tip. To replace the fuse, carefully unscrew
Note: The blinking cursor indicates that this is
the first letter ready to be changed.
the tip of the plug.
The PWR button exits User Tone Mode, but still
remains in Option Mode. Press the PWR button
again to exit Option Mode.
Important: Unscrew slowly. The tip contains a
spring which may fly out when disassembling.
Insert the new fuse with the spring and screw on
the tip. With use, the screw cap on plug may
loosen. Retighten it occasionally.
• Press the Volume Up button to advance to the
next letter/character/symbol/space to be
IMPORTANT: Unit does not detect radar or laser
signals during recording or while playing a
tone.To ensure a quality recording, the source
should be approximately 1” away from the micro-
• Press the Volume Down button to select the
previous letter/character/symbol/space to be
Unscrew the tip of the lighter socket plug
carefully when replacing the 2 amp fuse.
• Press the Quiet button to advance to the next
position in the current word.
To record or play a message (Record/Playback
• Press the City button to go back to the previous
position in the current word
Programmable Text Display
• Press both volume buttons for less than 2
seconds and release. The unit will beep once;
this enters Custom Mode. Display shows: CUSTOM
The display shows the word PLAY and REC
with accompanying arrows to indicate the
buttons to control these functions (Start/Stop
Play = PWR and Start/Stop Rec = City).
• The display then indicates: CUST--X as X is the
first band ready to record up to 15 seconds of
• Press and release the Quiet/Record button
advances the recording feature to the next
• Press both volume buttons for less than 2
seconds and release to exit Record/Playback
The unit has the ability to modify the standard
laser/radar detector’s display. “WHISTLER”,
“HIGHWAY”, “CITY”, “CITY 1”, and “CITY 2” can
be changed to display your name, or any combi-
nation of 8 characters. For example, “HIGHWAY”
can be changed to “GO 4 IT”.
• Press and hold the City button to change the
character set (A, a, 9, ! etc.).
• Press PWR to exit User Text Mode and return to
• Press PWR again to exit OPTION Mode.
Programmable Audio Tones
Note: A space is counted as a character.
Model XTR-585 also has the ability to modify the
standard laser/radar detector’s audio tones. Audio
tones such as “X Band”, “K Band,” “Ka Band” “Ku
Band” and “Laser” can be changed to play up to 15
seconds of a favorite tune, phrase, saying, almost
anything you like. When the unit detects K band, for
example, the K band voice will now be followed by
what was recorded for K band.
WARNING!!! Programming the text display or the
audio is not intended to be done while you are
driving. You should not use any device in a vehicle
that may distract you from observing the road
NOTE: Custom Mode automatically exits within 20
seconds if a button is not pressed. Messages are
kept in memory and are not affected by resetting
the factory features. See “Reset Features” section of
the manual.
TIP: Turn off the voice option to have the unit
respond only with the custom recorded alerts.
To delete a message:
Auto Quiet Mode
City/City 1/City 2 Mode
Auto Quiet reduces the selected audio level to level
(1) approximately 5 seconds after a radar or safety
radar signal is detected. The alert for any new signal
within 20 seconds will resume at level (1). Auto Quiet
does not affect VG-2 or laser alerts.
• Press Quiet/Menu (before a signal is detected)
to engage Auto Quiet.
• Once the Auto Quiet mode is engaged, you
may cancel the audio alarm by pressing Quiet.
• Press Quiet (when the unit is not alarming) to
cancel Auto Quiet mode.
• Enter Custom mode and press Volume Up or
Volume Down button until selected band
appears on the display.
Whistler’s Three Stage City Mode is designed to
reduce the annoyance of automatic door openers,
intrusion alarms and other devices which share frequencies
with police radar. Generally, X band is used for these
• Press the Quiet/Record button twice.
• Press City to cancel Highway mode and engage City.
• Press City again to enter City 1 Mode - display shows ‘C1
Lo X’.
TIP: To prevent the recording of the stop button
press (click), allow the recording process to continue
for 15sec and automatically time out.
• Press City again to enter City 2 Mode - display shows ‘C2
No X’
External Audio Jack
• Pressing City a fourth time cancels City 2 Mode and
returns the unit to Highway Mode.
The External Audio Jack can be used to connect an
external speaker or headphones in environments
with high ambient noise levels. The internal speaker
will be disconnected.
Quiet Mode
In City Mode, weak speed/safety radar signal give
an initial alarm of two beeps, and then remains
quiet unless the signal becomes very strong. When
the signal strength increases, two additional beeps
are provided. City 1 and City 2 Modes operate the
same as Highway Mode, but in City 1 Mode, only the
X band sensitivity is lowered. In City 2 Mode, X-band
is not detected.
Quiet cancels audio during an alert and any new
alert within 20 seconds. After 20 seconds, approxi-
mately 2 beeps are provided on any new alert and
unit then remains quiet.
Power On and Self-Test
Each time your Whistler detector is turned on,
an automatic self-test sequence confirms that
the speaker and visual displays are functional.
• Press Power. Display shows in order:
• Press Quiet to cancel the audio.
• Press Quiet a second time during an alert to
restore the standard audio alert pattern; or turn the
unit off, then on.
1. WHISTLER 2. X-Band 3. K-Band
4. Ka-Band
Caution: Some towns/small cities may still be using
X band radar. City Modes do not change the audio
alert for laser or VG-2.
5. Ku-Band
Using Whistler’s included Intellicord® Power Cable
allows control of the detector’s features such as
Power On/Off, City Modes, Dim/Dark, and
Quiet/Auto Quiet with a simple press of the but-
ton on the Power Cable. Two features can be con-
trolled: one by a short press of the button (S1), and
the second by a long press of the button (S2).
Option Mode allows the user to program the fea-
ture assignments.
Engaging/Disengaging VG-2
Setting Saver
See Option Select Mode to turn this feature on/off.
When a VG-2 signal is detected, the VG-2 alert is
sounded and the display flashes “VG-2”. After 3 sec-
onds the audio is canceled and the display no
longer flashes. This cycle is repeated if the VG-2 sig-
nal is again detected. During the period a VG-2 sig-
nal is detected, a radar signal cannot be detected.
However, because the VG-2 alert has confirmed that
a patrol car is nearby, you are already aware of the
potential for speed monitoring and can adjust your
speed accordingly. Laser detection is not affected
while a VG-2 signal is detected.
Setting Saver saves your personalized settings
so that when the detector is turned off and then
on again, you do not have to re-enter them.
Feature Engaged Confirmation
Each time a button is pressed, one beep confirms
feature “on”, two beeps confirm feature “off”.
Highway Mode
Highway mode provides full audio warnings any time
radar (X, K, Ka, Ku, Safety Radar) or laser signals
are detected, and is recommended for open road
driving.( Highway mode lets every signal in)
Audio Level Adjustment
The audio levels can be adjusted high to low or
low to high.
• Press Volume up to increase audio level.
Note: In Combo Mode an “H” or “CC” will be shown
Teach/Tutorial Mode
• Press Volume
down to decrease audio level.
to indicate mode of operation.
Provides simulated alerts for each type of signal.
• Press City and Quiet simultaneously and release.
• Display Shows:
As audio level is adjusted, beeps are provided
and the display indicates volume level.
For more information on City and Highway mode, please visit
our FAQ page on our website:
• Press Power to exit.
Backlight Setting
Compass Mode
Option Select Mode
The unit is programmed from the factory in
“Combo Mode”. COMBO mode means that the
unit provides both compass readings as well as
detecting laser/radar signals. Through the
“Option Select Mode”, either laser / radar or com-
pass features can be turned off meaning, RADAR
equals detection of all police bands and laser;
COMPASS equals no detection of police
Note:The unit must be calibrated to provide
accurate compass readings.
Compass Calibration Set-up
The unit will need to be calibrated in order for
the compass to provide accurate readings. To
calibrate the unit, perform the following proce-
Entering Option Select Mode allows you to customize
options such as Tone Select, Abbreviated Power Up
Sequence and VG-2 Mode. Press and hold quiet button to
enter Option Select Mode. When selecting options, the
The backlighting (B/L) can be programmed to be
illuminated all the time, only when alarming, or
choices in-between. The options are selectable
by pressing and holding the Power/Dim button on
the unit. The options are:
OFF-OFF = B/L is off at idle and off during an alarm.
OFF-DIM = B/L is off at idle and dim during an
volume up
, volume down
or Quiet buttons must
be pressed within 20 seconds or Options Mode will auto-
matically be exited. To enter:
OFF-BRT = B/L is off at idle and bright during an alarm.
DIM-OFF = B/L is dim at idle and off during an
DIM-BRT = B/L is dim at idle and bright during an
BRT-BRT = B/L remains bright at idle as well as alarm-
Backlight will turn on, if selected, while the unit
alarms and remain on for 3 seconds after the unit
stops alarming. When any button is pressed the
backlight will illuminate at the dim setting and
remain on for 3 seconds afterwards. The backlight
will also illuminate while in option mode.
1. Mount the unit level in the center of the
vehicle’s windshield. Make sure there are no other
magnetic sources near the detector (i.e., speaker).
2. Select a large clear area (parking lot or field)
without any power lines.
Vehicle Battery Saver Mode
3. Press the Menu button until display shows
CAL MODDE. Then press the both Volumn buttons
simultaneously. The display shows (scrolling):
The Vehicle Battery Saver Mode automatically
shuts off your detector if you forget to turn it off. The
timer is reset if the detector is turned off, unplugged
or any button is pressed before the timer has
expired. The detector will alert you with an audible
and visual warning before it shuts off.
4. If calibration does not automatically finish press the
both Volumn buttons simultaneously to complete cali-
bration. The unit will beep twice and display shows,
for example:
During this warning you can reset the unit by
pressing any button. This will reset the timer.
If the unit has automatically turned itself off, press the
Power button to turn the unit back on. You can man-
ually engage the Vehicle Battery Saver Mode by
pressing and holding the City button until one
beep is heard.
Refer to “Option Select Mode” for instructions for
deactivating battery saver mode feature. Timer = 3 hrs
Note: In Combo Mode an “H” or “C” will be
shown to indicate mode of operation.
Important: If unit mounting is relocated in the
vehicle, (i.e., visor to windshield mounting or dash
mounting), or if the unit is moved to another vehi-
cle, you must recalibrate the compass.
Stay Alert Feature
VG-2 Audio/Visual Alerts
Note: You must turn this feature on before it will
detect VG-2.
POP Mode Alerts
The Stay Alert Feature is designed to test a driver’s
alertness. To engage (when unit is not alarming) :
Because POP™ Mode travels on regular radar
bandwidth, there is no particular alert for POP™
Mode transmissions. POP™ Mode alerts will be
displayed as a regular radar alert.
When a VG-2 signal is detected, the detector ‘hides’ its
own radiated signal and becomes undetectable by
the VG-2. Once VG-2 is detected, every 30 seconds,
the detector checks for a VG-2 signal. If a VG-2
signal is still present, the unit continues to hide
and repeats the VG-2 alert. If no signal is detected,
two beeps are provided, indicating an ‘all clear’ condi-
tion. During a VG-2 Alert X, K, and Ka band sig-
nals cannot be received (Reference page 21 for VG-
2 information).
• Press and hold City for approximately 2 sec-
onds. Release button during or immediately after
the alert is given. Display shows:
Within 30-60 seconds two beeps are sounded; to
show alertness, the driver must press either the
City, Volume, or Quiet buttons within 3-5 seconds. If
a button is not pressed within 3-5 seconds, the
cycle is repeated.
Speed Radar Audio/Visual Alerts
When X, K, Ka, or Ku is detected, the band ID
and signal strength are displayed. The audio
alert is continuous and has a geiger counter-like
pattern. The faster the beep, the closer or
stronger the radar source.
If a button was not pressed within 3-5 seconds
alarm sounds and the display shows:
• Press Power to exit.
WARNING!!! Stay Alert is NOT intended as a sub-
stitute for adequate rest. You should NOT operate a
vehicle if you are drowsy. During extended periods of
vehicle operation, you should take frequent breaks.
Improper reliance on the Stay Alert feature may result
in vehicle damage, personal injury or death. NEVER
Alert Priority
Note: Geiger not available when custom tones
are selected
When two or more signals are received at the
same time, the alert priority is:
Laser Audio/Visual Alerts
1. Laser 2. VG-2 3. Speed Radar 4. Safety Radar
When a laser signal is detected, the audio alert is
continuous for a minimum of 3 seconds.
Example: If X band is alerting, then suddenly a VG-
2 signal is detected, the VG-2 warning will override
the X band alert.
• The Displays Shows:
The more “|||”, the closer the laser source.
Reset Features
All user features can be reset to factory settings.
Pulse Protection
Unplug Power Cord from unit.
Pulse (or instant-on) radar is more difficult to
detect than conventional radar because it
remains ‘off’ until activated to measure the
speed of a targeted vehicle.
Press and hold Power and Quiet buttons.
Plug Power Cord into unit.
Safety Warning System
Wait for two beeps then release buttons.
In communities where transmitters are located,
the Safety Warning System™ displays over 60
text messages. When Safety Radar is detected
the audio alert is geiger counter-like.
Unit is now reset to the following features and settings.
When a pulse type transmission is detected, your
Whistler detector sounds an urgent 3-second
audio warning and the display shows:
Default factory settings are:
1. Audio to level (5).
2. Display shows COMBO.
3. Auto Quiet Mode OFF.
4. VG-2 Detection Mode OFF.
5. Safety Radar OFF.
Note: Safety Warning System™ is labeled “SR”
After the 3-second pulse alert, the standard alert
pattern continues for as long as the signal is
It is important to respond promptly to a pulse
alert, since warning time may be minimal.
in Option Select Mode.
Safety Warning System Text
Example: Poor - Road - Surface.
6. Vehicle Battery Saver ON.
7. Full Power Up sequence.
8. Default TONE 3.
Note: Not all areas have Safety Warning System™
9. POP ON.
10. Backlighting Dim/Bright.
11. Ku OFF.
Your Whistler detector is expertly engineered and
designed to exacting quality standards to provide you
with reliable, trouble-free operation. If your unit has
been correctly installed following the guidelines in this
manual, but is not operating optimally, please refer to
the troubleshooting guide below.
Care And Maintenance
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful
During the summer months, avoid prolonged
exposure to direct sunlight by removing your unit
from the dash when your vehicle is parked for an
extended period of time. Do not spray water,
cleaners, or polishes directly onto the unit. The
spray may penetrate through the openings and
damage the unit. Also, do not use any abrasive
cleaners on the unit’s exterior.
interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received,
including interference that may cause undesired operation.
PROBLEM: No display or audio.
Important: FCC requirements state that
changes or modifications not expressly approved
by Whistler could void the user’s authority to
operate the equipment.
Check fuse in Whistler plug; replace if necessary with
a 2 amp 3AG type.
Check fuse for lighter socket; replace if necessary.
Make sure lighter socket is clean.
Radar Facts
PROBLEM: Unit alarms when using vehicle
electrical accessories (brakes, power mirrors,
power windows, turn signals, horn, etc.)
when unit is connected to the power cord.
In Most States YES!
Laser-Radar detectors are legal in every state
(with the exception of Virginia and Washington,
D.C., which have local regulations restricting the
use of radar receivers in any vehicle) when used
in automobiles or light trucks (under 10,000 lbs.).
A radar gun operates by transmitting radio
waves at certain frequencies which reflect off
objects and are picked up by the radar gun’s
receiving section. When a radar beam reflects
off a moving target, a measurable frequency shift
occurs. The radar unit converts this shift into miles
per hour to determine your vehicle’s speed.
Currently, the FCC (Federal Communications
Commission) permits operation of traffic radar
guns at X Band (10.500 - 10.550 GHz), K Band
(24.050 - 24.250 GHz), Ka Band (33.400 - 36.000
GHz) and Ku Band (13.425 - 13.475 GHz).
Vehicle’s electrical system, including battery and
alternator, may have electrical noise. Install a filter
capacitor (470mfd. 25 volt or larger capacitance value)
on the back of the lighter socket.
Concerning trucks over 10,000 lbs., the Federal
Highway Administration (FHWA) issued a
PROBLEM: Unit alarms when vehicle hits
regulation, effective January, 1994 which prohibits
radar and laser detector use in these types of
vehicles nationally. Prior to the FHWA regulation,
laws existed in the state of New York restricting
the use of radar detectors in trucks over 18,000
lbs. and in Illinois in trucks over 26,000 lbs.
Check for loose lighter socket; tighten and clean.
Check connections at both ends of power cord.
Substitute another cord to determine if cord is
defective. Return defective cord to the factory.
PROBLEM: Audio alerts are not loud enough.
Note: A radar detector will not alarm if an offi-
cer is not transmitting on any one of the above
radar bands.
Cancel Auto Quiet Mode or City Mode.
Check audio level setting (see page 8).
PROBLEM: Unit turns itself off
POP™ Mode
See battery saver feature on page 11
POP™ Mode is a feature on some newer radar
guns operating on K and Ka bands. When the
gun is in POP™ Mode and activated, a brief burst
of energy, less that 1/15 of a second, is transmit-
ted and the vehicle’s speed is quickly acquired. A
detector without POP™ Mode detection capabili-
ty cannot respond to this brief transmission.
If difficulties occur which cannot be solved by
information in this Troubleshooting Guide, please
call Whistler Customer Service at 1-800-531-0004
or visit our FAQ page at,
before returning your unit for service.
Note: Having a radar detector capable of detect-
ing the VG-2 may alert you to the presence of a
speed trap. As of this printing, the newest tool
Police have to detect radar detectors is called
Spectre. Spectre can detect most undetectable
(VG-2) laser/radar detectors on the market.
Laser Tips
Laser Facts
If you are the targeted vehicle, a laser gun can
often determine your speed within a few
seconds after you receive an alert. In this situa-
tion there is generally no time to safely adjust
your speed. However, if you are traveling near or
behind the targeted vehicle and receive an alert,
response time should be sufficient. Any laser
alert, regardless of duration, requires immediate
It’s well documented that many radar guns
cannot reliably provide the speed of a targeted
vehicle that is traveling in a group of vehicles. In
contrast, a laser gun can target a specific vehicle
out of a line of traffic and determine its speed.
The advantage of laser over radar in terms of
target identification is the result of the laser gun’s
narrow beam. A radar gun’s transmission can
cover more than a four-lane highway at a dis-
tance of 1,000 feet, compared with a laser gun’s
transmission which covers about 3 feet at the
same distance. For best protection, keep these
points in mind:
It is the responsibility of the individual radar detector
operator to know and understand the laws in your
area regarding the legality of the use of radar detec-
Other Speed Detection Systems
Several techniques other than radar or laser are
used to measure vehicle speeds. When these
methods are being used, no detector can provide
a warning. These techniques include:
Consumer Warranty
This Whistler Laser-Radar detector is warranted to
the original purchaser for a period of one year from
the date of original purchase against all defects in
materials and workmanship. This limited warranty
is void if the unit is abused, modified, installed
improperly, if the housing and/or serial numbers have
been removed. There are no express warranties cover-
ing this product other than those set forth in this
warranty. All express or implied warranties for this prod-
uct are limited to the above time. Whistler is not
liable for damages arising from the use, misuse, or
operation of this product.
• Because the vehicle’s license plate or
headlights are the laser gun’s primary targets,
mounting the Whistler detector on the
dashboard can improve laser detection at short
• Do not follow closely behind any vehicle you
cannot see through. If you can’t see past a
vehicle ahead of you, chances are your detector
won’t either.
• The receiving range of your laser detector will
not be the same as a radar detector. Laser guns
are most often used at short range.
• Pacing - A patrol car drives behind you and
matches your driving speed.
• Vascar/Aircraft - The time it takes a vehicle to
travel a known distance is measured.
Radar Detector Detectors: VG-2,
The Interceptor VG-2 or simply VG-2, is one type of
microwave receiver used by Police to detect signals
radiated by the local oscillator of a radar detector.
Because it purpose is to identify persons driving with
radar detectors, these devices are known as a “radar
detector detector” (RDD).
Whistler Laser-Radar detectors receive all current
laser guns which operate at a laser wavelength of 905
+/- 10mm.
An RDD is the primary tool used by the police to
identify radar detector equipped vehicles. If caught
in a state or country where detectors are illegal (see
page 18). drivers risk losing their radar detector and
receiving a fine. In addition, instant-on radar is
almost always used in combination with a RDD,
leaving unsuspecting motorists vulnerable to receive
two tickets - one potentially for speeding, the other
for possession of a detector.
•Pro Laser™ I II III
•LT1 20-20
•Ultra Lyte
3. Be certain your unit is returned with its serial
number. For reference, please write your unit’s
serial number in the following space:
Important: When returning your unit for service,
be certain to include a daytime telephone
number and an email address (if applicable).
Service Under Warranty
These and other accessories can be
ordered directly from Whistler by calling
1-800-531-0004 or visit our online store at
During the warranty period, defective units will
be repaired without charge when returned with a
dated store receipt to the address below. Units
returned without a dated store receipt will be
handled as described in section
Units without serial numbers are not covered under warranty.
Customer Service
If you have questions concerning the operation of your
Whistler detector, or require service during or after the
warranty period, please call Customer Service at:
Important: To validate that your unit is within
the warranty period, make sure you keep a
copy of your dated store receipt. You may
register your warranty online at
Order # Description
“Service Out Of Warranty.”
Due to the specialized equipment necessary for
testing a Laser-Radar receiver, there are no
authorized service stations for Whistler brand
detectors other than Whistler.
$ 9.95
$ 9.95
$ 14.95
$ 15.95
Representatives are available to answer your questions
Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (CT) or
visit the FAQ’s at
warranty verification purposes, a copy of
your dated store receipt must accompany any
unit sent in for warranty work.
Zipped Travel Case
Windshield Bracket Kit
Straight Power Cord (5’)
Coiled Power Cord (7’)
When returning a unit for service, please follow
these instructions:
Service Out of Warranty
Laser Wavelength: 905 + 50 nanometers (nm)
Radar Frequencies:
10.500 - 10.550 GHz (X Band)
24.050 - 24.250 GHz (K Band)
33.400 - 36.000 GHz (Ka Superwideband)
13.425 - 13.475 GHz (Ku Band)
Units will be repaired at ‘out of warranty’ service
rates when:
1. Ship the unit in the original carton or in a
suitable sturdy equivalent, fully insured, with
return receipt requested to:
Hardwire Kit (10' )
(for wiring to fuse box)
• The unit’s original warranty has expired.
• A dated store receipt is not supplied.
• The unit has been returned without its serial
Modular Cord Package
(includes coiled and straight
cords, and power adapter)
$ 17.95
Whistler Repair Dept.
551 N. 13th St.
Rogers, AR. 72756
• The unit has been abused, modified,
installed improperly, or had its housing
Non Skid Dash Pad
$ 6.95
Please allow 3 weeks turnaround time.
Straight Modular Cord &
Socket Multiplier
$ 11.95
Important: Whistler will not assume responsi-
bility for loss or damage incurred in shipping.
Therefore, please ship your unit insured with
return receipt requested. CODs will not be
Operating Temperature Range:-20˚ C to +80˚ C
(-4˚ F to +176˚ F)
The minimum out of warranty service fee for
your Whistler detector is $55.00 (U.S.). If you
require out of warranty service, please return
your unit as outlined in the section “Service
Under Warranty” along with a certified check or
money order for $55.00. Payment may also be
made by MasterCard, VISA or American
Express; personal checks are not accepted.
Coiled Modular Cord &
Socket Multiplier
$ 12.95
$ 14.95
Power Requirements:
12 volts, center tip positive.
Replaceable Ring and Insert Set
Includes 6 trim rings: metallic
blue, metallic gold, metallic
red, pink, silver and white and
2 inserts: metallic silver and
metallic black.
2. Include with your unit the following
information, clearly printed:
One or more U.S. patents may apply:
#5,146,227, #5,379,456, #5,666,120, #5,990,821
• Your name and street address (for
shipping via UPS), a daytime telephone
number and an email address, if applicable.
• A detailed description of the problem (e.g.,
“Unit performs self-test but does not respond
In the event repairs cannot be covered by the
minimum $55.00 service fee, you will be con-
tacted by a Whistler technical service special-
ist who will outline options available to you.
If you elect not to have your unit repaired, it will
be returned to you along with your certified
check or money order.
POP™ Mode is a trademark of MPH Industries, Inc.
* Modular: Interconnecting pieces cord and plug.
Shippiing andd handlling (peer ordeer) $5..000 . Priices are
subject tto changee withoutt notice.
Specifications are subject to change
without notice.
to radar”).
• A copy of your dated store receipt or bill of
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