Z600 Series Color Jetprinter™
User’s Guide for Mac OS 9
A checklist to find solutions to common setup problems.
Learn about the printer parts and the printer software.
How to print several projects on various types of paper.
Caring for your cartridges and ordering supplies.
Error messages, print quality problems, paper jams, and
much more.
January 2003
Understanding the printer parts...................................................................... 5
Understanding the printer software ................................................................ 6
Printing on plain paper ................................................................................. 12
Printing photos ............................................................................................. 13
Printing on premium paper........................................................................... 15
Printing on both sides of the paper............................................................... 17
Printing cards ............................................................................................... 19
Printing envelopes........................................................................................ 21
Printing a booklet ......................................................................................... 24
Printing labels............................................................................................... 27
Printing handouts ........................................................................................ 29
Printing iron-on transfers.............................................................................. 32
Printing transparencies................................................................................. 34
Printing a banner.......................................................................................... 37
Printing a poster ........................................................................................... 39
Printing on custom size paper...................................................................... 42
Replacing the print cartridges....................................................................... 44
Aligning the print cartridges.......................................................................... 47
Improving print quality .................................................................................. 48
Preserving the print cartridges ..................................................................... 49
Ordering supplies ......................................................................................... 50
Troubleshooting checklist............................................................................. 51
Solving network printing problems, if the printer is connected to
a network adapter......................................................................................... 55
Clearing paper misfeeds or jams.................................................................. 60
Solving print quality problems ...................................................................... 61
Glossary......................................................................................... 68
Use this:
When you want to:
• Turn the printer on or off.
• Eject paper from the printer.
• Cancel print jobs.
Front cover
• Install or change print cartridges.
• Clear a paper jam.
Paper exit tray
Stack paper after printing.
Paper guide
Keep paper straight in the printer.
Paper support
Power supply connector
USB cable connector
Connect the power supply to the printer.
Connect the printer to the computer with a USB cable.
Understanding the printer software
Your printer integrates with the Page Setup dialog box and Print dialog box that come with Mac OS 9.
“Print dialog box” on page 8. For more information on which settings to select for your document, see
“Printing ideas” on page 12. When you install the printer software, the Page Setup and Print dialog
boxes are set to these default settings:
Print Quality: Normal
Paper Type: Plain
Paper Size: A4 or Letter
Orientation: Portrait
Understanding the printer software
Page Setup dialog box
While the document you want to print is open, use the Page Setup dialog box to select settings such
as paper size. To customize the settings in the Page Setup dialog box:
1 From the software program, choose File Page Setup.
2 Change the settings as needed.
From the pop-up
menu in the upper
Make selections
left corner, choose: from:
When you want to:
Paper Size
Choose a paper size or create a custom paper size.
Change the scaling value of your document. Valid values are
between 25% and 400%.
Choose between portrait and landscape.
Choose a watermark design.
Adjust from light to heavy watermark imprint.
Resize your watermark design.
Your current software program
Select program-specific options for printing. The program
name and the options available vary according to the program
Note: For more information about these settings, click Help.
3 Click OK to apply the settings and close the Page Setup dialog box.
Understanding the printer software
Print dialog box
While your document is open, you can use the Print dialog box to select settings that affect the
appearance of your document. To customize the settings in the Print dialog box:
1 From the software program, choose File Print.
2 Change the settings as needed.
From the
pop-up menu
in the upper
left corner,
When you want to:
Specify the number of copies to print (from 1 to 999).
Sort multiple copy jobs.
Print all of the pages in a document or print a range of pages.
Add more time between pages as they exit the printer. Select this option when
Wait for
pages to dry you want to keep documents from smearing.
Paper Type/
Paper Type Choose Plain (default), Coated, Transparency, Iron-On Transfer, or Glossy/
Photo Paper.
Print Quality Click Quick Print, Normal, Better, or Best.
Normal print quality is recommended for most documents. Higher print quality
settings result in better quality documents, but take longer to print.
Understanding the printer software
From the
pop-up menu
in the upper
left corner,
When you want to:
Print a booklet.
Print a poster.
• Print multiple pages on a single sheet of paper.
• Print your document with borders.
Print Last
Page First
Print the pages in reverse order so the first page of your document is on top of
the stack in the paper exit tray.
Print on
Both Sides
• Print your document on both sides of the paper.
• Choose a binding edge (side flip or top flip).
• Choose your printer’s profile from a list of saved color profiles and settings
obtained from ColorSync.
• Set the document intent. Choose from Automatic, Photographic, or
Business Graphics.
Choose the appropriate type of color for your document.
Print in:
Print when you have limited system resources.
Print in:
Print most documents. Background printing is recommended for all jobs
Background unless a problem occurs.
Print Time
• Mark a print job Urgent.
• Set the Normal print time (default).
• Select an exact date and time for the document to print.
• Put a print job on hold.
Your current software
Select program-specific options for printing. The program name and the
options available vary according to the program used.
Note: If you want more information about the settings in the Print dialog box, click Help.
3 To save your settings for future print jobs, click Save Settings.
4 To change your settings back to the original factory settings, click Revert to Defaults.
5 Click Print to apply your settings and print your document.
Understanding the printer software
Control Panel
Use the Control Panel to monitor your printer and printer supplies. You can:
• Install/change cartridges
• Align cartridges
• Print a test page
• Obtain information on ordering supplies
• Obtain software version information
• Configure a network printer
• Clean print nozzles
• Select a printer
Using the Control Panel
1 From the Apple menu, choose Control Panels Z600 Series Control Panel.
When you want to:
Cartridges tab
Specify cartridge settings in the printer software when installing or
changing the cartridges. For more information, see “Remove the used
Align Cartridges
Align the cartridges. For more information, see “Aligning the print
Understanding the printer software
When you want to:
Cartridges tab
Clean Print
Improve print quality by cleaning clogged print nozzles. For more
Print Test Page
Order Supplies
Verify if your printer is functioning properly.
Order supplies, such as print cartridges, from the Lexmark Web site.
Access the Lexmark Web site for offers.
Note: United States and Canada only.
About tab
Obtain printer software version information.
Advanced menu Select Printer
• Select a printer and make it the default printer.
• Find the IP address for the selected printer.
• Add a printer located on a remote subnet. You can add a single
printer or search the subnet for all available printers.
• View a list of all USB, USB print sharing, and network printers.
Network Printer
• Configure an unconfigured network printer.
• View a list of network printers.
2 To learn more about what you can do with your printer, click ?.
3 Click the button in the upper left corner to close the Control Panel.
Understanding the printer software
Printing ideas
Printing on plain paper
You can print up to 100 sheets of paper at a time, depending on the thickness of the paper.
Step 1: Load the paper
Load the paper vertically against the right side of the paper support.
Do not force the paper into the printer.
Squeeze and slide the paper guide to the left side of the paper.
Note: If you are using Letter size paper, adjusting the paper guide may not be necessary.
Printing ideas
Step 2: Customize the print settings
If you are using A4 or letter size paper and you want to print with Normal print quality, you do not
need to adjust the settings.
If you are using specialty media, follow the steps for your paper type.
Step 3: Print your document
1 From the software program, choose File Print.
2 Click Print.
Note: The paper exit tray holds up to 50 sheets of paper. To print more than 50 pages,
remove the first 50 sheets, and then continue printing.
Printing photos
You can load up to 50 sheets of photo or glossy paper or 100 sheets of coated paper, depending on
the thickness of the paper. You may want to print your photos on plain paper before loading photo
paper and changing your settings. This ensures that you do not waste photo paper perfecting the
image you want to print.
Step 1: Load the photo paper
For best results, use photo paper designed for inkjet printers.
If your photo paper includes instructions, read them carefully.
Load the paper against the right side of the paper support.
Make sure your paper is not used or damaged.
Make sure the glossy or coated side is facing you.
Printing photos
Do not force the paper into the printer.
Squeeze and slide the paper guide to the left side of the paper.
Note: If you are using Letter size paper, adjusting the paper guide may not be necessary.
Step 2: Customize the print settings
1 Choose a paper size and orientation:
From the software program, choose File Page Setup.
b From the Paper Size pop-up menu, choose U.S. Letter or A4.
From Orientation, click the portrait or landscape icon.
d Click OK.
2 Choose a paper type, print quality, and color setting:
From the software program, choose File Print.
b From the pop-up menu in the upper left corner, choose Paper Type/Quality.
From the Paper Type pop-up menu, choose Glossy/Photo Paper.
d From Print Quality, click Better or Best.
Note: Higher print quality settings result in better quality documents, but may take longer
to print.
From the pop-up menu in the upper left corner, choose Color.
Click Built-In Color Matching.
g From the Document Color pop-up menu, choose Natural Color.
Printing photos
Step 3: Print your photos
Click Print.
Note: To prevent smearing, remove each photo as it exits the printer, and then let it dry
before stacking. You can also set extra time between pages as they exit the printer.
For help, see the entry on “Wait for pages to dry” on page 8.
Printing on premium paper
You can load up to 100 pages of premium paper, depending on the thickness of the paper.
Step 1: Load the premium paper
If your paper includes instructions, read them carefully.
Load the paper vertically against the right side of the paper support.
Make sure your paper is not used or damaged.
Make sure the print side is facing you.
Do not force the paper into the printer.
Printing on premium paper
Squeeze and slide the paper guide to the left edge of the paper.
Note: If you are using Letter size paper, adjusting the paper guide may not be necessary.
Step 2: Customize the print settings
1 Choose a paper size and orientation:
From the software program, choose File Page Setup.
b From the Paper Size pop-up menu, choose the paper size for your document. To set a
From Orientation, click the portrait or landscape icon.
d Click OK.
2 Choose a paper type and print quality:
From the software program, choose File Print.
b From the pop-up menu in the upper left corner, choose Paper Type/Quality.
From the Paper Type pop-up menu, choose Coated.
d From Print Quality, select your preferred print quality. Normal is the default.
Note: Higher print quality settings result in better quality documents, but may take longer
to print.
Step 3: Print your document
Click Print.
Note: The paper exit tray holds up to 50 sheets of paper. To print more than 50 pages,
remove the first 50 sheets, and then continue printing.
Printing on premium paper
Printing on both sides of the paper
Conserve paper by printing on both sides. You can load up to 100 sheets of paper at a time,
depending on the thickness of the paper. For the best print quality, use thick paper.
Step 1: Load the paper
Load the paper vertically against the right side of the paper support.
Make sure the print side is facing you.
Do not force the paper into the printer.
Squeeze and slide the paper guide to the left edge of the paper.
Note: If you are using Letter size paper, adjusting the paper guide may not be necessary.
Printing on both sides of the paper
Step 2: Customize the print settings
1 Choose a paper size and orientation:
From the software program, choose File Page Setup.
b From the Paper Size pop-up menu, choose the paper size for your document. To set a
From Orientation, click the portrait or landscape icon.
d Click OK.
2 Choose a paper type, print quality, and layout:
From the software program, choose File Print.
b From the pop-up menu in the upper left corner, choose Paper Type/Quality.
From the Paper Type pop-up menu, choose Plain.
d From Print Quality, select your preferred print quality. Normal is the default.
Note: Higher print quality settings result in better quality documents, but may take longer
to print.
From the pop-up menu in the upper left corner, choose Layout.
Click Print on Both Sides.
g Click the icon for the binding edge (top flip or side flip) for your document.
If you select top flip, the pages of your document turn like the pages of a legal pad. If you
select side flip, the pages of your document turn like the pages of a magazine.
Printing on both sides of the paper
Step 3: Print your document
1 Click Print.
The odd-numbered pages print, and then your printer software prompts you to reload the
2 Remove the stack of paper from the paper exit tray.
3 Load the stack of paper and reloading instruction page, with the printed side facing away from
you and the arrows pointing down into the paper support.
4 Click Continue.
The even-numbered pages print.
Note: The paper exit tray holds up to 50 sheets of paper. To print more than 50 pages,
remove the first 50 sheets, and then continue printing.
Printing cards
You can load up to 25 greeting cards, index cards, photo cards, or postcards into the paper support,
depending on the thickness of the cards.
Step 1: Load the cards
If your cards include instructions, read them carefully.
Printing cards
Load the cards vertically against the right side of the paper support.
Make sure your cards are not used or damaged.
Make sure the print side is facing you.
Do not force the cards into the printer.
Squeeze and slide the paper guide to the left edge of the cards.
Note: If you are using Letter size paper, adjusting the paper guide may not be necessary.
Step 2: Customize the print settings
1 Choose a paper size and orientation:
From the software program, choose File Page Setup.
b From the Paper Size pop-up menu, choose a card size.
From Orientation, click the portrait or landscape icon.
d Click OK.
Printing cards
2 Choose a paper type and print quality:
From the software program, choose File Print.
b From the pop-up menu in the upper left corner, choose Paper Type/Quality.
From the Paper Type pop-up menu, choose Glossy/Photo Paper for photo cards and
Plain for other types of cards.
d From Print Quality, click Better or Best for photo and greeting cards and Normal for other
types of cards.
Note: Higher print quality settings result in better quality documents, but may take longer
to print.
Step 3: Print your cards
Click Print.
Note: You can remove each card as it exits the printer and let it dry before stacking, or
you can set extra time between pages as they exit the printer. For help, see the
entry on “Wait for pages to dry” on page 8.
Printing envelopes
You can load up to 10 envelopes, depending on the thickness of the envelopes.
Step 1: Load the envelopes
Load the envelopes vertically against the right side of the paper support.
Note: Do not use envelopes with holes, windows, deep embossing, metal clasps, string
ties, or metal folding bars.
Make sure your envelopes are not used or damaged.
Make sure the print side is facing you.
Printing envelopes
Make sure the stamp location is in the upper left corner.
Do not force the envelopes into the printer.
Squeeze and slide the paper guide to the left edge of the envelopes.
Step 2: Customize the print settings
1 Choose an envelope size and orientation:
From the software program, choose File Page Setup.
b From the Paper Size pop-up menu, choose the appropriate envelope size. To use a
custom envelope size, see “Printing on custom size paper” on page 42.
From Orientation, make sure that you select the landscape icon.
Note: Many software programs are designed to override the envelope settings in the
Page Setup. Make sure that the landscape orientation is also selected in your
software program.
d Click OK.
2 Choose a paper type and print quality:
From the software program, choose File Print.
b From the pop-up menu in the upper left corner, choose Paper Type/Quality.
From the Paper Type pop-up menu, choose Plain.
d From Print Quality, select your preferred print quality. Normal is the default.
Note: Higher print quality settings result in better quality documents, but may take longer
to print.
Printing envelopes
Step 3: Print your envelopes
Click Print.
Note: The paper exit tray holds up to 10 envelopes. To print more than 10 envelopes,
remove the first 10 envelopes, and then continue printing.
Printing color images in black and white
You can print color images in black ink.
Note: This setting is only available if there is a black print cartridge installed.
Step 1: Load the paper
Load the paper vertically against the right side of the paper support.
Make sure your paper is not used or damaged.
Make sure the print side is facing you.
Do not force the paper into the printer.
Printing color images in black and white
Squeeze and slide the paper guide to the left edge of the paper.
Note: If you are using Letter size paper, adjusting the paper guide may not be necessary.
Step 2: Customize the print settings
1 Choose a color setting.
From the software program, choose File Print.
b From the pop-up menu in the upper left corner, choose Color.
Click Built-In Color Matching.
d From the Document Color pop-up menu, choose Black Only.
2 Continue customizing your document following the steps for your paper type.
Step 3: Print your document
Click Print.
Note: The paper exit tray holds up to 50 sheets of paper. To print more than 50 sheets of
paper, remove the first 50 sheets, and then continue printing.
Printing a booklet
You can print and bundle your document to make a booklet. You can load up to 100 sheets of paper
in the paper support, depending on the thickness of the paper.
Printing a booklet
Step 1: Load the paper
Load the paper vertically against the right side of the paper support.
Make sure the print side is facing you.
Do not force the paper into the printer.
Squeeze and slide the paper guide to the left edge of the paper.
Note: If you are using Letter size paper, adjusting the paper guide may not be necessary.
Step 2: Customize the print settings
1 Choose a paper size and orientation:
From the software program, choose File Page Setup.
b From Paper Size pop-up menu, choose a paper size. To use a custom paper size, see
From Orientation, make sure that you select portrait orientation.
d Click OK.
Printing a booklet
2 Choose a paper type, print quality, and layout:
From the software program, choose File Print.
b From the pop-up menu in the upper left corner, choose Paper Type/Quality.
From Print Quality, select your preferred print quality. Normal is the default.
Note: Higher print quality settings result in better quality documents, but may take longer
to print.
d From the pop-up menu in the upper left corner, choose Layout.
Click Booklet.
From the Booklet pop-up menu, choose the appropriate number of sheets to bundle (2, 4,
8, 16, or 32).
Note: A bundle is the group of pages that are folded in half and stacked before binding.
When printing with thick paper, choose a smaller number of sheets to bundle for
easier binding.
Step 3: Print your booklet
1 Click Print.
After the first half of your booklet prints, your printer software prompts you to reload the
2 Remove the stack from the paper exit tray.
3 Load the stack of paper and the reloading instruction page with the printed side facing away
from you and the arrows pointing down into the paper support.
4 Click Continue.
Printing a booklet
Step 4: Build your booklet
After your document prints, stack and bind your booklet.
To build your booklet:
1 Remove the first bundle from the paper exit tray, fold it in half, and then set it aside.
2 Remove the next bundle, fold it in half, and then stack it on top of the first bundle.
3 Continue to stack the bundles on top of each other until your booklet is complete.
4 Bind the bundles to complete your booklet.
Printing labels
You can load up to 25 sheets of labels, depending on the thickness of the sheets.
Step 1: Load the labels
Use labels designed for inkjet printers.
If your labels include instructions, read them carefully.
Load the labels vertically against the right side of the paper support.
Make sure your labels are not used or damaged.
Printing labels
Do not print within 1 mm (0.04 in.) of the edge of a label.
Make sure there are no missing or curled labels.
Make sure the print side is facing you.
Do not force the label sheets into the printer.
Squeeze and slide the paper guide to the left edge of the sheet of labels.
Step 2: Customize the print settings
1 Choose a paper size and orientation:
From the software program, choose File Page Setup.
b From the Paper Size menu, choose A4 or U.S. Letter.
From Orientation, make sure that you select portrait orientation.
d Click OK.
2 Choose a paper type and print quality:
From the software program, choose File Print.
b From the pop-up menu in the upper left corner, choose Paper Type/Quality.
From the Paper Type pop-up menu, choose Plain.
d From Print Quality, select your preferred print quality. Normal is the default.
Note: Higher print quality settings result in better quality documents, but may take longer
to print.
Printing labels
Step 3: Print your labels
Click Print.
Note: The paper exit tray holds up to 10 sheets of labels. To print more than 10 sheets,
remove the first 10 sheets, and then continue printing.
Printing handouts
You can conserve paper by printing handouts. Handouts are multiple pages of a document printed on
a sheet of paper. You can load up to 100 sheets of paper, depending on the thickness of the paper.
Step 1: Load the paper
If your paper includes instructions, read them carefully.
Load the paper vertically against the right side of the paper support.
Make sure your paper is not used or damaged.
Make sure the print side is facing you.
Do not force the paper into the printer.
Printing handouts
Squeeze and slide the paper guide to the left edge of the paper.
Note: If you are using Letter size paper, adjusting the paper guide may not be necessary.
Step 2: Customize the print settings
You can print your handouts on one side or on both sides of the paper.
1 Choose a paper size and orientation:
From the software program, choose File Page Setup.
b From the Paper Size pop-up menu, choose a paper size. To use a custom paper size, see
From Orientation, click the portrait or landscape icon.
d Click OK.
2 Choose a layout:
From the software program, choose File Print.
b From the pop-up menu in the upper left corner, choose Layout.
Click Pages/Sheet.
d From the Pages/Sheet pop-up menu, choose the number of pages you want to print on
one sheet.
The displayed graphic shows you how the printed page will look.
If you want to print a border around each page, click Print Borders.
Printing handouts
To print your handouts on both sides of the paper:
Click Print on Both Sides.
b Click the graphic for the binding edge (top flip or side flip).
If you select top flip, the pages of your handouts turn like the pages of a legal pad. If you
select side flip, the pages of your handouts turn like the pages of a magazine.
Continue with the next step to print your handouts.
Step 3: Print your handouts
1 Click Print.
If you formatted your handouts to print on one side of each page, you are finished.
If you formatted your handouts to print on both sides of each page, continue with the next
2 After the first half of your handouts prints, your printer software prompts you to reload the
paper. Load the paper and the reloading instruction page with the printed side facing away
from you and the arrows pointing down into the paper support.
3 Click Continue.
Printing handouts
Printing iron-on transfers
You can load up to 100 iron-on transfers, depending on their thickness. You may want to print your
image on plain paper before printing it on an iron-on transfer. This ensures you do not waste iron-on
transfers perfecting the image you want to print. When the image prints to your satisfaction, load the
iron-on transfers.
Note: For best results, load iron-on transfers one at a time.
Step 1: Load the iron-on transfers
If your iron-on transfers include instructions, read them carefully.
Load the iron-on transfers vertically against the right side of the paper support.
Make sure your iron-on transfers are not used or damaged.
Make sure the print (blank) side is facing you.
Do not force the iron-on transfers into the printer.
Printing iron-on transfers
Squeeze and slide the paper guide to the left edge of the iron-on transfers.
Note: If you are using Letter size paper, adjusting the paper guide may not be necessary.
Step 2: Customize the print settings
1 Choose a paper size:
From the software program, choose File Page Setup.
b From the Paper Size pop-up menu, choose A4 or U.S. Letter.
Click OK.
2 Choose a paper type and print quality:
From the software program, choose File Print.
b From the pop-up menu in the upper left corner, choose Paper Type/Quality.
From the Paper Type pop-up menu, choose Iron-On Transfer.
Note: Choosing Iron-On Transfer automatically mirrors the image you want to print. Make
sure you do not select an option from your software program that will mirror your
d From Print Quality, select your preferred print quality. Normal is the default.
Note: Higher print quality settings result in better quality documents, but may take longer
to print.
Step 3: Print your iron-on transfers
Click Print.
Note: To prevent smudging, remove each iron-on transfer as it exits the printer, and then
let it dry before stacking. You can also set extra time between pages as they exit
the printer. For help, see the entry on “Wait for pages to dry” on page 8.
Printing iron-on transfers
Printing transparencies
You can load up to 50 transparencies, depending on the thickness of the transparencies.
Step 1: Load the transparencies
Use transparencies designed for inkjet printers.
If the transparencies have paper backing sheets, make sure you separate the paper from the
transparencies before you load them.
If your transparencies include instructions, read them carefully.
Load the transparencies vertically against the right side of the paper support.
Make sure your transparencies are not used or damaged.
Make sure the rough (print) side of the transparencies is facing you. If the transparencies
have a removable strip, make sure each strip is facing away and down toward the printer.
Do not force the transparencies into the printer.
Squeeze and slide the paper guide to the left edge of the transparencies.
Note: If you are using Letter size paper, adjusting the paper guide may not be necessary.
Printing transparencies
Step 2: Customize the print settings
1 Choose a paper size and orientation:
From the software program, choose File Page Setup.
b From the Paper Size pop-up menu, choose A4 or U.S. Letter.
From Orientation, click the portrait or landscape icon.
d Click OK.
2 Choose a paper type and print quality:
From the software program, choose File Print.
b From the pop-up menu in the upper left corner, choose Paper Type/Quality.
From the Paper Type menu, choose Transparency.
d From Print Quality, select your preferred print quality. Normal is the default.
Note: Higher print quality settings result in better quality documents, but may take longer
to print.
Step 3: Print your transparencies
Click Print.
Note: To prevent smudging, remove each transparency as it exits the printer, and then let
it dry before stacking. You can also set extra time between pages as they exit the
may require up to 15 minutes to dry.
Printing transparencies
Printing your document in reverse order
Step 1: Load the paper
Load the paper vertically against the right side of the paper support.
Make sure the print side is facing you.
Do not force the paper into the printer.
Squeeze and slide the paper guide to the left edge of the paper.
Note: If you are using Letter size paper, adjusting the paper guide may not be necessary.
Step 2: Customize the print settings
1 Choose a paper size and orientation:
From the software program, choose File Page Setup.
b From the Paper Size pop-up menu, choose the paper size for your document.
From Orientation, click the portrait or landscape icon.
d Click OK.
Printing your document in reverse order
2 Choose a layout for the document:
From the software program, choose File Print.
b From the pop-up menu in the upper left corner, choose Layout.
Make sure that the Print Last Page First check box is selected.
3 Continue to customize your document based on your paper type.
Step 3: Print your document
Click Print.
Note: The paper exit tray holds up to 50 sheets of paper. If you want to print more than
50 sheets, remove the first 50 sheets, and then continue printing.
Printing a banner
Note: Some software programs and some operating systems do not support banner
Step 1: Load the banner paper
Make sure your banner paper is not used or damaged.
1 Remove any paper from the paper support.
2 Tear off enough pages for the banner including one extra sheet, and then place them behind
the printer.
Printing a banner
3 Load the unattached leading edge of the first page into the printer with the right side against
the paper support.
Note: Forcing the paper too far into the printer may cause a paper jam. For help, see
4 Squeeze and slide the paper guide to the left edge of the banner paper.
Step 2: Customize the print settings
1 Choose a paper size and orientation:
From the software program, choose File Page Setup.
b From the Paper Size pop-up menu, choose Banner (A4) or Banner (Letter).
Note: If you do not choose the correct paper size, the banner paper may cause a paper
jam. For help, see “Printer has a paper jam” on page 61.
From Orientation, click the portrait or landscape icon.
d Click OK.
Printing a banner
2 Choose a paper type, print quality, and layout:
From the software program, choose File Print.
b From the pop-up menu in the upper left corner, choose Paper Type/Quality.
From the Paper Type pop-up menu, choose Plain.
d From Print Quality, select your preferred print quality. Normal is the default.
Note: Higher print quality settings result in better quality documents, but may take longer
to print.
Choose Layout from the pop-up menu in the upper left corner.
Make sure that the Print Last Page First check box is not selected.
Step 3: Print your banner
1 Click Print.
2 When the banner is finished printing:
Press and hold the button for about five seconds to feed any extra paper through the
b Tear the banner paper on the perforated line.
Printing a poster
You can enlarge a single page image to print on multiple pages and create a poster. Poster sizes are
2x2 (four pages), 3x3 (nine pages), and 4x4 (16 pages).
Depending on your software program, you may need to resize your poster text, choose a font type
and style, and adjust the document layout before you print.
Printing a poster
Step 1: Load the paper
Load the paper vertically against the right side of the paper support.
Make sure your paper is not used or damaged.
Do not force the paper into the printer.
Squeeze and slide the paper guide to the left edge of the paper.
Note: If you are using Letter size paper, adjusting the paper guide may not be necessary.
Step 2: Customize the print settings
1 Choose a paper size and orientation:
From the software program, choose File Page Setup.
b From the Paper Size pop-up menu, choose a paper size.
Note: Make sure that Banner and Envelope are not selected as these are not compatible
with Poster.
From Orientation, click the portrait or landscape icon.
Printing a poster
d Click OK.
2 Choose a paper type and print quality:
From the software program, choose File Print.
b From the pop-up menu in the upper left corner, choose Paper Type/Quality.
From the Paper Type pop-up menu, choose Plain.
d From Print Quality, select your preferred print quality. Normal is the default.
Note: Higher print quality settings result in better quality documents, but may take longer
to print.
3 Choose a layout:
With the Print dialog box open, choose Layout from the pop-up menu in the upper left
b Click Poster.
Select a poster size. Valid values are 2x2 (four pages), 3x3 (nine pages), and
4x4 (16 pages).
Step 3: Print your poster
Click Print.
Step 4: Assemble your poster
1 On each printed page, trim the white edges from two adjacent sides. For example, trim the
white edge from the top and left sides of each page.
Trimmed edges
Printed pages with
the white edge
trimmed from two
adjacent sides
Untrimmed edges
2 Arrange the pages so that every trimmed edge overlap an untrimmed edge (the white edge).
Printing a poster
3 Tape the backs of the pages together.
4 To complete your poster, trim any remaining white edges.
Printing on custom size paper
You can load up to 100 sheets of custom size paper at a time, depending on the thickness of the
Step 1: Load the custom size paper
Load the paper vertically against the right side of the paper support.
Make sure your paper is not used or damaged.
Make sure the paper size fits within these dimensions:
Width: 76 to 216 mm (3 to 8.5 in.)
Height: 127 to 355.6 mm (5 to 14 in.)
Make sure the print side is facing you.
Do not force the paper into the printer.
Squeeze and slide the paper guide to the left edge of the paper.
Printing on custom size paper
Step 2: Customize the print settings
1 Create a custom paper size:
From the software program, choose File Page Setup.
b From the Paper Size pop-up menu, choose Edit Custom Paper Sizes, and then click
From the Units pop-up menu, choose in. (inches) or mm (millimeters), and then type the
dimensions for your custom paper size.
d From the Kind pop-up menu, choose Letter, Envelope, Card, or Photo and then type a
name for your custom paper size in the Paper Size Name box.
Click Save, and then click Done.
Click OK on the Page Setup dialog box.
2 Continue to customize your document based on your paper type.
Step 3: Print your document
1 From the software program, choose File Print.
2 Click Print.
Printing on custom size paper
Replacing the print cartridges
The Z600 Series uses the following cartridges:
Part number:
16 or 17
Black cartridge
Color cartridge
26 or 27
Note: You can use the printer with just a color cartridge or just a black cartridge.
For information about ordering supplies, see page 50.
Remove the used cartridges
1 Make sure the power light is on.
2 Raise the front cover.
The cartridge carrier moves to the loading position, unless the printer is busy.
3 Lift the cartridge carrier lids.
4 Remove the used cartridges. Store them in an airtight container or dispose of them properly.
Install the cartridges
1 If you are installing new cartridges, remove the sticker and transparent tape from the backs
and bottoms of the cartridges.
Warning: Do not touch or remove the gold contact areas on the backs and bottoms of the
Replacing the print cartridges
2 Insert the color cartridge in the left carrier. Insert the black cartridge in the right carrier.
Note: To extend the life of your color cartridge and improve printing speed, install a black
cartridge along with the color cartridge.
3 Snap the lids closed.
4 Close the front cover.
Note: The front cover must be closed to start a print job.
Replacing the print cartridges
Specify cartridge settings in the printer software
Before you specify the print cartridge settings in the printer software, install the cartridges. For help,
1 From the Apple menu, choose Control Panels Z600 Series Control Panel.
2 From the Cartridges tab, click Install/Change Cartridge.
The Cartridge Setup dialog box appears. Follow the instruction on the screen to install the
3 Click Continue.
The Cartridge Verification dialog box appears.
4 Select the part numbers of the cartridges you are installing.
5 Select Yes, it is old if the cartridge has been used before, or No, it is new if the cartridge has
not been used before.
Panel may be incorrect.
6 Click OK.
Aligning the print cartridges
Typically, you only align print cartridges after installing or replacing a cartridge. However, you may
also need to align cartridges when:
Characters are improperly formed or are misaligned at the left margin.
Vertical, straight lines are wavy.
To align the cartridges:
1 Load paper.
2 From the Apple menu, choose Control Panels Z600 Series Control Panel.
3 From the Cartridges tab, click Align Cartridges.
The Cartridge Alignment dialog box appears.
4 Click Continue to print the alignment page.
The alignment page prints.
5 Find the number under the darkest arrow for each alignment group on the printed alignment
Specify cartridge settings in the printer software
6 On the screen, use the arrows in the Align Cartridge dialog box to select the number that
matches the darkest arrow on the printed page for each alignment group.
7 Click OK.
If the alignment page does not print, see “Alignment page does not print” on page 58.
Improving print quality
If you are not satisfied with the print quality of your document, first make sure you:
Use the appropriate paper for the document. For example, use photo paper if you are printing
a photo.
Use paper that is heavier, bright white, or coated.
Select a higher print quality:
From the software program, choose File Print.
b From the pop-up menu in the upper left corner, choose Paper Type/Quality.
Select Better or Best.
If your document still does not have the print quality you want, follow these steps:
1 Reinsert the print cartridges.
Remove the print cartridges. For help, see “Remove the used cartridges” on page 44.
Print your document again.
d If print quality has not improved, clean the print cartridge nozzles.
2 Clean the print cartridge nozzles.
Load paper.
b From the Apple menu, choose Control Panels Z600 Series Control Panel.
From the Cartridges tab, click Clean Print Nozzles.
A nozzle page prints forcing ink through the nozzles to clean any that are clogged.
d Print your document again to verify that your print quality has improved.
To further improve print quality, continue with step 3.
Improving print quality
3 Wipe the print cartridge nozzles and contacts.
If the print quality does not improve after cleaning the print cartridge nozzles, there may be
dried ink on the nozzles or contacts.
Remove the print cartridges. For help, see “Remove the used cartridges” on page 44.
b Dampen a clean, lint-free cloth with water.
Gently hold the cloth against the nozzles for about three seconds, and then wipe in the
direction shown.
d Using another clean section of the cloth, gently hold the cloth against the contacts for
about three seconds, and then wipe in the direction shown.
Allow the nozzles and contacts to dry completely.
Reinstall the print cartridges, and then print your document again.
If the print quality has not improved, try cleaning the print cartridge nozzles up to two more times.
If print quality is still unsatisfactory, replace your print cartridges. For help, see “Replacing the print
Preserving the print cartridges
To ensure the longest life from your print cartridges and optimum performance from your printer:
Keep a new print cartridge in its packaging until you are ready to install it.
Do not remove a print cartridge from the printer except to replace, clean, or store it in an
airtight container. The print cartridges do not print correctly if left exposed for an extended
Lexmark’s printer warranty does not cover repair of failures or damage caused by a refilled cartridge.
We do not recommend the use of refilled cartridges. Refilling cartridges can affect print quality and
cause damage to the printer. For best results, use Lexmark supplies.
Preserving the print cartridges
Setup troubleshooting
Troubleshooting checklist
Is the power supply firmly attached to your printer and a properly grounded electrical outlet?
Are both your printer and computer on? If you are using your printer on a network, make
sure your computer is connected to the network, your Lexmark adapter is on, and all
indicator lights are on. For more information, refer to the adapter documentation.
Is your USB cable securely attached to your printer and to your computer or Lexmark
Is the printer light blinking? If it is, see “Understanding error messages and flashing lights”
Did you remove the sticker and transparent tape from the backs and bottoms of both print
Did you install the print cartridges correctly? For help, see “Install the cartridges” on
Is the paper loaded correctly? Make sure you do not push the paper too far into the printer.
If the paper feed light is blinking, see “Understanding error messages and flashing lights” on
Did you install the printer software correctly?
From the Apple menu, choose Control Panels Z600 Series Control Panel.
If there is no Control Panel for your printer, install the printer software.
Setup troubleshooting
Is the printer set as the default printer?
To set the printer to be the default printer:
From your desktop, click the Z600 Series printer icon.
From the Printing menu, choose Set Default Printer.
Is your printer directly connected to your computer? If it is connected through an external
device such as a USB hub, switch box, scanner, or fax machine, follow these corrective
1 Disconnect your printer from any external devices.
2 Connect your printer directly to your computer with a USB cable.
3 Print a test page.
From the Apple menu, choose Control Panels Z600 Series Control Panel.
b From the Cartridges tab, click Print Test Page.
If the test page prints, the printer is working properly. The initial problem may
be due to your external devices, not your printer. Check the documentation
that comes with your external devices for help.
If the test page does not print, refer to the printer software Help for further
When I insert the printer software CD, nothing happens
1 Close all open software programs.
2 Remove the printer software CD.
3 Restart your computer.
4 When your desktop appears, insert the printer software CD.
The Lexmark Z600 Series CD icon is created on your desktop.
software installation.
Solving printer software installation problems
If the printer software does not install properly, a communications error message appears when you
try to print. You may need to uninstall the printer software, and then reinstall it.
When I insert the printer software CD, nothing happens
Uninstalling the printer software
There are two ways to uninstall the printer software. One way to uninstall it is as follows:
1 From your desktop, double-click the Lexmark Z600 Series CD icon. If the CD icon is not on
your desktop, insert the printer software CD to relaunch it.
The Lexmark Z600 Series CD menu appears.
2 Double-click Install.
3 Click Uninstall.
4 Follow the steps on your screen to complete uninstallation.
Another way to uninstall the printer software is as follows:
1 From your desktop, double-click the Z600 Series Printer folder.
The Z600 Series Printer menu appears.
2 Double-click the Z600 Series Uninstaller.
3 Click Uninstall.
4 Follow the steps on your screen to complete uninstallation.
5 Click OK when you get the notification that uninstallation is successful.
6 Restart the computer before reinstalling the printer software.
Installing the printer software
You can install the printer software using the printer software CD that comes with your printer, or you
Using the CD that comes with your printer
1 Close all open software programs.
2 When your desktop appears, insert the printer software CD.
The Lexmark Z600 Series CD icon is created on your desktop.
3 Double-click the Lexmark Z600 Series CD icon.
The Lexmark Z600 Series CD menu appears.
4 Double-click Install.
5 Click Install and Agree.
Solving printer software installation problems
6 Choose the country or region closest to you, and then click Continue.
Note: If the Printer Selection or the New Network Printer Found dialog box appears,
follow the instructions displayed. Click the? on the screen or contact your network
administrator for help.
7 Follow the instructions on your screen to complete printer software installation.
8 When printer software installation is complete, you can:
Register your printer on the Internet.
Print a test page to observe your printer in action.
Check for special offers (United States and Canada only).
9 Click Finished when you are done.
10 The Z600 Series printer icon is automatically created on your desktop. You are now ready to
start using your Lexmark Z600 Series printer.
Using the World Wide Web
1 Make sure Stuffit Expander is loaded on your system.
operating system.
3 Click the binhex (.hqx) file to download and install.
4 Use Stuffit Expander to expand the file on your desktop.
5 Double-click WEB INSTALLER.
6 Follow the instructions on your screen to install the printer software.
Note: If either the Printer Selection or the New Network Printer Found dialog box
appears, follow the instructions displayed. Click the ? on the screen or contact your
network administrator for help.
Solving printer software installation problems
General troubleshooting
For information about:
See page:
Solving network printing problems, if the printer is connected to
a network adapter
For help, first see “Solving printer software installation problems” on page 52.
If one or more of the following conditions applies to your network printer, continue with “Entering an
IP address” in the next section.
Your printer is listed as unconfigured in the Network Printer Configuration dialog box or in the
Printer Selection dialog box.
Your printer is on a remote subnet.
Entering an IP address
To enter an IP address and set up your network printer:
1 Open the Z600 Series Control Panel.
2 From the Advanced menu, choose Network Printer Configuration.
General troubleshooting
3 From the dialog box:
A printer from the list of
Enter an available IP address for the selected printer. For help selecting an
available network printers, and IP address, refer to the documentation you used to set up your network, or
then Configure...
contact your network administrator.
Add Remote...
Expand the printer list to include printers on a remote subnet.
• If you click Add Single Printer, enter the IP address for the printer you
want to add.
• If you click Search Subnet, enter the IP address of the subnet you want
to scan. Any remote printers found are added to the printer list. These
printers are saved in the list if a printer is added in the Control Panel.
The IP address of your network printer is set.
4 Close the Control Panel.
Troubleshooting your network printer
Try these solutions when you cannot print to your network printer:
1 Make sure your printer is connected to a working network connection.
2 If you are using a Lexmark adapter, make sure all of the indicator lights are on. For help
locating these lights, refer to the adapter documentation.
3 Make sure the printer software is installed correctly:
From the Apple menu, choose Control Panels.
b If the Control Panel for your printer does not appear, install the printer software. For help,
Understanding error messages and flashing lights
Use this section to understand printer software error messages on your computer screen and
blinking lights on your printer.For information about lights on a Lexmark adapter, refer to the adapter
Paper Jam message
For help clearing a paper jam, see “Printer has a paper jam” on page 61.
Understanding error messages and flashing lights
Ink Low message
A print cartridge is running out of ink. To order a new cartridge or locate a dealer near you, see
replacing the cartridges, see “Replacing the print cartridges” on page 44.
Button is blinking
Check your computer screen for error messages.
If the printer is out of paper:
Load paper.
Press the button.
If the printer has a paper jam, see “Printer has a paper jam” on page 61.
Resolving unsuccessful or slow printing
The following topics can help you correct unsuccessful or slow printing.
Printer is plugged in, but does not print
Make sure:
The printer is on and the printer cable is securely attached at both ends. If your printer is
connected to a network, make sure the Lexmark adapter is on and all indicator lights are on.
For help, refer to the adapter documentation.
The paper is loaded correctly and not pushed too far into the printer. If the paper is jammed,
The printer is not held or paused. To check the printer status:
From your desktop, double-click the Z600 Series printer icon.
Make sure the Hold button is not selected.
Resolving unsuccessful or slow printing
The printer is set as the default printer. To set the printer as the default:
From your desktop, double-click the Z600 Series printer icon.
From the Printing menu, choose Select Default Printer.
After you check these items, try printing a test page.
Printing a test page
From the Apple menu, choose Control Panels Z600 Series Control Panel.
From the Cartridges tab, click Print Test Page.
If the test page prints, the printer is working properly.
If the test page does not print, continue with the following section or refer to the printer
software Help for further troubleshooting information.
Test page does not print
Make sure the printer is not held or paused. To check the printer status:
From your desktop, double-click the Z600 Series printer icon.
Make sure the Hold button is not selected.
Try printing your test page again. If it still does not print, see:
Alignment page does not print
Make sure:
You completely removed the transparent tape and sticker from the back and bottom of the
print cartridges.
You loaded the paper correctly and did not force the paper into the printer.
If you are connected to a network with a Lexmark adapter, the indicator lights are on. For
more information, see the adapter documentation.
Resolving unsuccessful or slow printing
Printer ejects a blank page after appearing to print
Make sure:
You remove the sticker and transparent tape from the backs and bottoms of the print
cartridges. For help, see “Install the cartridges” on page 45.
Your cartridge does not have clogged nozzles. Try cleaning the print cartridge nozzles. Follow
the steps in “Improving print quality” on page 48.
Printer prints very slowly
Close any software programs not in use.
Check the document you are printing. Photos and graphics may take longer to print than
regular text. Documents that are large or that contain background images may also take
longer to print.
Check the printer to see if another document is printing. Print jobs are printed in the order the
printer receives them.
Decrease the print quality setting to Normal or Quick Print.
Note: Higher print quality settings result in better quality documents, but may take longer
to print.
Recovering when your computer stops responding
If your computer locks up while your document is printing, turn off the printer and the computer.
When you turn them back on, the printer may attempt to start printing your job again. This could
cause your system to lock up again.
One way to recover:
1 Disconnect the printer cable from your computer.
2 Restart your computer.
3 Delete the print job:
From your desktop, double-click the Z600 Series printer icon.
The Z600 Series dialog box appears, listing all pending or stalled print jobs.
b Choose Printing Stop Print Queue.
4 Plug the printer cable back into the computer.
Another way to recover:
1 Turn the printer and the computer off.
2 Press and hold the Shift key and turn the computer on.
Recovering when your computer stops responding
3 Continue to hold the Shift key until you see the Mac OS screen and the words
Extensions Off.
4 Release the Shift key.
5 Locate the Z600 Series printer icon on your desktop and double-click it.
6 Drag your print jobs to the trash can.
7 Restart the computer to enable extensions.
Clearing paper misfeeds or jams
The following topics can help you correct paper misfeeds or jams.
Paper misfeeds or multiple sheets feed
Make sure:
The edges of your paper are not curled.
Your paper is designed for inkjet printers.
A piece of paper from a previous print job is not jammed.
You do not load too much paper. Depending on the thickness of the paper, you can load up to
100 sheets of paper, 50 transparencies, 25 labels or cards, or 10 envelopes.
You do not force the paper into the printer.
The paper guide is against the left edge of the paper.
The paper guide does not cause the paper to bow.
The printer is on a flat, level surface.
The printer settings you have chosen are correct for the type of document you are printing.
For help, see “Printing ideas” on page 12.
Printer does not feed specialty media
Make sure:
You load the specialty media vertically against the right side of the paper support. Squeeze
and slide the paper guide to the left edge of the specialty media. For help, see “Printing ideas”
You are using a specialty media size supported by your printer.
Clearing paper misfeeds or jams
Your software program is designed to print your specialty media. For help, check your
software program documentation.
Your printer is not held or paused. To check the printer status:
From your desktop, double-click the Z600 Series printer icon.
From the Printing menu, make sure Start Print Queue is selected.
Printer has a paper jam
If the paper is lodged too far into the printer and cannot be removed:
1 Turn the printer off.
2 Turn the printer back on.
3 If the printer does not automatically eject the page:
Turn the printer off.
b Pull firmly on the paper to remove it.
If you cannot reach the paper, raise the front cover, pull the paper out, and then close the
front cover.
Turn the printer on.
Note: Do not force the paper into the printer.
Solving print quality problems
If print quality is unsatisfactory, you may need to adjust your margin settings, choose a higher print
quality, align the print cartridges, or clean the nozzles.
The following topics can help you improve print quality.
Print is too dark or smudged
Make sure the paper is straight and not wrinkled.
Let the ink dry completely before handling the paper. You can also set extra time between
Make sure the paper type and paper size settings in the printer software match the paper
loaded in the printer. For help, see “Understanding the printer software” on page 6.
Make sure the print quality setting is appropriate for the paper type.
Solving print quality problems
Vertical straight lines are not smooth
To improve the print quality of vertical straight lines in tables, borders, and graphs:
Select a higher print quality.
Print smears on the page
The next page exiting the printer may be smearing the ink. Remove each page as it exits the
printer, and then let it dry completely before stacking.
Printed pages have alternating bands of light and dark print (intermittent
Click Better or Best print quality.
Print the document in the foreground rather than in the background. For help, see the entry
If your printer is connected to your computer through a hub or peripheral device, such as a
scanner or fax machine, connect the printer directly to your computer with a USB cable.
If your printer is connected to your network, connect the printer directly to your computer with
a USB cable.
Solving print quality problems
Print quality is poor at the edges
Like other printers, your printer cannot print on the extreme edges of a page. Make sure margins are
set within the following settings.
Minimum setting:
Left and right
• 6.35 mm (0.25 in.) for U.S. Letter, U.S. Legal, Banner Letter, and custom paper sizes
• 3.175 mm (0.125 in.) for envelopes
• 3.37 mm (0.13 in.) for most paper sizes
• 1.7 mm (0.067 in.)
• 12.7 mm (0.5 in.) for black print jobs
• 19 mm (0.75 in.) recommended for color print jobs
Printed characters are improperly formed or misaligned
Cancel all print jobs and print your job again. To cancel all print jobs:
From your desktop, double-click the Z600 Series printer icon.
The Z600 Series dialog box appears, listing all pending or stalled print jobs.
Choose Printing Stop Print Queue.
Colors on the printout differ from the colors on the screen
A cartridge may be low on ink. For help, see “Replacing the print cartridges” on page 44.
Use a different paper brand. Each paper brand accepts ink differently and prints with color
Disconnect the printer from any extra devices such as scanners, fax machines, or hubs.
Connect it directly to the computer.
For ColorSync color matching, choose a profile and rendering intent:
From the software program, choose File Print.
From the pop-up menu in the upper left corner, choose Color.
Click ColorSync Color Matching.
Choose a printer profile and a rendering intent.
Solving print quality problems
For built-in color matching, choose Natural Color as the document color:
From the software program, choose File Print.
From the pop-up menu in the upper left corner, choose Color.
Click Built-In Color Matching.
From Document Color, click Natural Color.
Colors on the printout are faded
preceding section. If the colors still seem faded, try cleaning the print cartridge nozzles. Follow the
Characters are missing or unexpected
Photos do not print as expected
Select a higher print quality.
Choose photo paper as the paper type.
Solving specialty media problems
The following topics can help solve problems with specialty paper.
Glossy/photo papers or transparencies stick together
Use glossy/photo paper or transparency designed for inkjet printers.
Make sure you loaded the paper correctly (with print side facing you) and selected the
appropriate settings in the printer software. For help, see “Printing photos” on page 13 or
You can also set extra time between pages as they exit the printer. For help, see the entry
Remove each page as it exits the printer, and then let it dry completely before stacking.
Transparencies or photos contain white lines
Make sure you loaded the paper correctly (with print side facing you) and selected the
appropriate settings in the printer software. For help, see “Printing transparencies” on
Solving specialty media problems
Select a higher print quality, such as Better or Best.
Solving specialty media problems
Electronic emission notices
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) compliance information statement
The Lexmark Z600 Series Color Jetprinter, type 4126-001, has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference,
and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
The FCC Class B limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may
cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the
equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult your point of purchase or service representative for additional suggestions.
The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or television interference caused by using other than recommended cables or by
unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment. Unauthorized changes or modifications could void the user's authority to operate
this equipment.
Note: To assure compliance with FCC regulations on electromagnetic interference for a Class B computing device, use a properly shielded
and grounded cable such as Lexmark part number 1329605 for parallel attach or 12A2405 for USB attach. Use of a substitute cable not
properly shielded and grounded may result in a violation of FCC regulations.
Any questions regarding this compliance information statement should be directed to:
Director of Lexmark Technology & Services
Lexmark International, Inc.
740 West New Circle Road
Lexington, KY 40550
(859) 232-3000
Industry Canada compliance statement
This Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations.
Avis de conformité aux normes de l’industrie du Canada
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada.
European Community (EC) directives conformity
This product is in conformity with the protection requirements of EC Council directives 89/336/EEC and 73/23/EEC on the approximation
and harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility and safety of electrical equipment designed
for use within certain voltage limits.
A declaration of conformity with the requirements of the directives has been signed by the Director of Manufacturing and Technical Support,
Lexmark International, S.A., Boigny, France.
This product satisfies the Class B limits of EN 55022 and safety requirements of EN 60950.
The United Kingdom Telecommunications Act 1984
This apparatus is approved under the approval number NS/G/1234/J/100003 for the indirect connections to the public telecommunications
systems in the United Kingdom.
Japanese VCCI notice
alignment page. A page with printed alignment patterns that ejects from your printer during
cartridge alignment.
alignment values. Numbers corresponding to patterns on the alignment page.
automatic alignment. A feature that automatically aligns the print cartridges.
banner paper. Continuous sheets of perforated inkjet paper designed for banners. Also called
continuous form paper.
booklet. Multiple-page document printed, folded, and bundled to resemble a small book.
bundle. A group of booklet pages that are folded in half and stacked before binding.
cartridge contact. The gold area on your print cartridge that touches the carrier contacts inside your
coated paper. Treated paper designed for high-quality printed images.
collate. A printer software option that lets you automatically print one complete copy of a
multiple-page document before the next copy begins, and so on.
ColorSync. The industry-standard color management technology that ensures color accuracy from
capture to print or online display. It delivers powerful control over color matching at every step of the
workflow process.
configured printer. A printer connected to a network that has been assigned an IP address and
printer name. You must configure a network-capable printer to access it over a network.
custom size paper. A non-standard paper size.
default printer. The printer automatically used when you send jobs to print.
default printer settings. Printer software settings defined when the printer is manufactured.
duplex. A printer software option that lets you print on both sides of a sheet of paper.
glossy paper. Paper with one glossy side designed for photographs.
handout. Multiple-page document printed on a single sheet of paper. See N-up.
hub. A device used to connect several computers or peripheral devices.
IP (Internet Protocol) address. A 32-bit binary number that identifies the location of a specific
computer on the Internet. Any computer directly connected to the Internet must have an IP address.
label. Self-adhesive paper.
LAN (local area network). A network of two or more computers within a limited area. The
networked computers are often called workstations. A LAN is sometimes referred to as a local
landscape orientation. Page orientation in which text runs parallel with the long edge of the paper.
Lexmark adapter. An external device that connects your network-capable printer to a network.
long-edge binding. A printer software option that arranges duplexed pages so they can be bound
along the long side of the pages.
manual alignment. A printer software feature that lets you select print cartridge alignment values.
margin. The blank area between printed text or graphics and the edges of a page.
mirror. A printer software option that lets you reverse an image before printing.
N-up. A printer software option that lets you print multiple pages of a document on a single sheet of
paper. For example, select 4-up to print reduced images of pages 1 through 4 on the first sheet of
paper, images of pages 5 through 8 on the second sheet, and so on.
natural color. A printer software option used for printing photographs and highly detailed graphic
network. A group of computers, printers, or other peripheral devices connected to each other for the
purpose of sharing information.
network port. (1) A logical connection to a printer across a network. (2) An Input/Output adapter
used to connect a peripheral device, such as a printer, to a network.
network printer. A printer made available on a network, not connected directly to your computer.
network-capable printer. A printer that you can connect to a network. Some network-capable
printers may require an external network adapter.
operating system. The software that provides the basic functions needed for operating your
computer. For example, Windows 98, Macintosh OS 9, or Macintosh OS X.
paper type sensor. A feature that automatically detects some types of paper loaded in the paper
parallel cable. A 25-pin cable that connects a peripheral device, such as a printer, to a computer.
parallel port. The 25-pin port on the back of your computer that connects to peripheral devices,
such as a printer, using a parallel cable. The parallel port lets your computer communicate with your
peripheral device. Any external device connected to and controlled by a computer.
photo paper. Treated paper designed for photographs.
plain paper. Paper designed for printing text documents.
portrait orientation. Page orientation in which text runs parallel with the short edge of the paper.
poster. An image printed on multiple sheets of paper that, when assembled, produce an enlarged
version of the original image.
premium paper. Coated paper designed for reports or documents with graphics.
print cartridge. The replaceable unit inside your printer that contains the ink.
print cartridge nozzles. The gold area of the print cartridge that ink flows through before it is
applied to your paper during printing.
print queue. The location on the server where print jobs are stored for printing in the order in which
they are sent.
printer software. (1) The program that lets you select settings to customize your print job. (2) The
program that lets your computer communicate with your printer.
program. Any software loaded on your computer that lets you perform a specific task, such as word
processing or photo editing.
remote subnet. A separate network that is connected to your local area network.
reverse order printing. A printer software option that lets you print the last page of your document
first so your pages are in sequential order on the exit tray.
short-edge binding. A printer software option that arranges duplexed pages so they can be bound
along the short side of the pages.
side flip. A printer software option that arranges duplexed pages so they turn like the pages of a
subnet. A segment of a network that is connected to a larger network. A local area network is
sometimes referred to as a local subnet.
top flip. A printer software option that arranges duplexed pages so they turn like the pages of a legal
transparency. A see-through sheet of print media that can be displayed on an overhead projector.
unconfigured printer. A printer connected to a network that has not yet been assigned an IP
USB cable. A lightweight, flexible cable that lets your printer communicate with your computer. USB
cables transmit data at much higher speeds than parallel cables.
USB port. A small, rectangular port on the back of your computer that connects to peripheral
devices, such as a printer, using a USB cable. The USB port lets your computer communicate with
your printer at high speeds.
watermark. A light graphic or background text that appears on each page of a document.
See printing on both sides
of the paper
downloaded printer driver,
duplex printing
See printing on both sides of
the paper
electronic emission statement
See handouts
cable, part numbers
cartridges, print
printing color images in black
printing last page first
See printing in reverse
printing on both sides of the
T-shirt transfers
See iron-on transfers
customizing settings
printer software
paper type
part numbers
See printing on both sides
of the paper
printing on both sides of the
T-shirt transfers
See iron-on transfers
printer software CD,
pop-up menus
color images in black and
power supply
print cartridge
See on both sides of the
last page first
messages, error
See in reverse order
multiple pages per sheet
See handouts
print last page first
See print in reverse order
print on both sides of the paper
print quality, troubleshooting
See handouts
on both sides of the paper
n-up printing
See handouts
printer cable, troubleshooting
printer driver
T-shirt transfers
See iron-on transfers
printing problems
computer stops responding
print on both sides of the
T-shirt transfers
unsuccessful or slow printing
two-sided printing
See iron-on transfers
software, printer
unsuccessful or slow printing
specialty paper
test page
settings, customizing
duplex printing
See print on both sides of
the paper
computer stops responding
general printing problems
printer software installation
See handouts
print color images in black
print last page first
See print in reverse order
Lexmark and Lexmark with diamond design are trademarks of Lexmark International, Inc.,
registered in the United States and/or other countries. Color Jetprinter is a trademark of Lexmark International, Inc.
© 2003 Lexmark International, Inc.
740 West New Circle Road
Lexington, Kentucky 40550
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